5 Common Makeup Mistakes To Avoid For A Flawless Finish

common makeup mistakes

Let's be honest, who among us doesn't chase after baby-soft, flawless pore-free skin? While perfect skin is not attainable, it doesn't hurt to have a few techniques in your pocket, right? Makeup is used to highlight the strength of your face, to express your personality, and to hide imperfections. However, sometimes this does not happen because there are a series of mistakes that are made in a makeup routine, which you should try to avoid from this very moment.

So What Mistakes to Avoid?

Best beauty products and suitable makeup base becomes the perfect canvas for a spectacular makeup, even the most experienced hands make mistakes during its application. Therefore, we have prepared this list of mistakes that you should avoid to have a natural and perfect skin that looks great and stands out even more!

Not Preparing the Skin

prepare your skin

What is under the makeup totally nurtures its finish and its durability. Before putting on makeup, it is essential to prepare the skin so that the cosmetic that is going to be applied on it does not damage it. What is recommended by specialists is to apply a moisturizing cream to the skin. However, one must only use the cream that suits the skin type.

Not Knowing your Skin Type

This is the best starting point, because if you don't know what type of skin you have: oily, combination, sensitive, dry, normal or mature skin and you don't know its characteristics; you will never find the products that you should use and those that you should avoid above all things.

You can never achieve healthy, glowing, good-looking skin this way. This is a major problem when applying makeup. If you apply makeup on skin that is not properly cared for you will never get good results. Your makeup will look patchy, the concealer will stagnate and your expression lines will become more noticeable, not to mention your pores, which will look more dilated than ever.

We, at Masarrat Misbah offer the best foundation for oily skin in Pakistan at the most competitive prices!

Applying Highlighter the Wrong Way


It is undoubtedly a trending and very tempting makeup product, because we love brightness. Remember, the logical thing is to apply it to the areas that protrude from the face (where there is bone structure) and where the sun hits, that is, above the cheekbone (not on the cheek), on the bridge of the nose and the tip (subtly), on the chin, points of the forehead and, additionally, on the cupid's bow and under the eyebrow.

Using Wrong Makeup Base for Your Skin Type and Color

Think of the times that you have been sold a makeup base and when it is time to use it you realize that the color looks terrible on you, the texture is not comfortable for you, it is too oily or dry, it cracks, it is such sometimes too light or too orange. Why do you think your skin has relapsed and your acne has worsened?

Makeup Base

It is because you’ve been using chemical-based or wrong makeup. Opting for the organic, natural, and certified makeup base is important. That’s why Masarrat Misbah offers the most natural, chemical-free makeup base and halal cosmetics in Pakistan that also nurture the skin.

Forgetting the Eyebrows



The eyebrows are the great forgotten part in our makeup routine despite the fact that they are decisive in the expression of the face. To show off perfect eyebrows, the idea is to use a suitable pencil to shape them and eliminate imperfections. In order not to get too artificial eyebrows, it is advisable to respect the original shape and color of the eyebrows. It is also recommended to use perfect wear eyeliner for amazing results!

Bottom Line

Now that you know these 5 mistakes, you will be able to avoid them when putting on makeup and you will know what NOT to do if you want to be the best version of yourself.

Moreover, if you wish to buy quality yet halal beauty products in Pakistan, then Masarrat Misbah is the right place for you! We’ve all the essential tools and products you would need for a flawless makeup!

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